
Terms of Use



PlazaPremium Lounge Management Limited reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. The new version of the Terms and Conditions will be posted on this website and will take effect and govern all use of the website upon posting. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions of Use any reference to "we", "us" and "our" is to Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited.  

Your use of this website indicates your agreement to be bounded by these Terms and Conditions of Use.

1. Ownership of Materials and Appropriate Use

This website and the materials on it are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights and laws throughout the world. The materials on this website are owned by or licensed to us. You may not alter, broadcast, copy, distribute, modify, publish, sell or transfer any materials on this website although you are permitted to display the materials on this website on a computer screen and to download and print a hard copy for your personal use provided you do not alter or remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices.

You agree to use this website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use for lawful and proper purposes and in compliance with the laws of the country from which you are accessing this website. Furthermore, you agree not to:

  • Use any of the materials on this website for commercial exploitation without our prior written consent;
  • Establish a link to or from this website from or to any other website, intranet or extranet site without our prior written consent;
  • Use this website to upload or distribute any material that contains viruses or anything similar, is illegal, obscene or of a defaulting nature;
  • Use this website in any manner or for any purpose that may infringe the rights of or cause offence to any other person;
  • Do anything that may alter, interfere with or disrupt this website or our services;
  • Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to our intranet or any other restricted access networks.  

2. Legal Relationship

This website is provided for information purposes only and no material shall be construed as an intention to create a legal relationship with any party, nor shall it constitute an offer of goods or services or create a license.  

3. Website Availability

This website is provided free of charge and we make no guarantee that it will be uninterrupted or error free. We reserve the right to suspend or withdraw the whole or materials or information on this website at any time without notice.

4. Links from this Site

We may from time to time provide links from this website to websites that are owned and controlled by third parties. These links are provided for your convenience only and do not imply any affiliation or endorsement by Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited. We have no control over and shall have no liability what so ever in respect of those websites.

5. Accuracy of Information

We take reasonable care to ensure that all products and services information and pricing featured on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, our products and services are continually updated and the images, specifications [and any prices] on this website are for general illustrative guidance only. For accurate up-to-date information you should contact us directly using the details in the "Contact us" section of the website and must rely on your own investigations.

6. Disclaimer

We do not warrant, represent or undertake that the material on this website is accurate, complete or current or that the website will be free or defects or viruses and all conditions and warranties that might otherwise be implied by statute or at common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. We do not accept any liability for any losses or claims arising from any liability to access this website, use of this website, downloading of viruses, the loss or corruption to material that is downloaded and any website browser incompatibility problems. All software products downloaded from this website are downloaded, installed and used at the user's own risk.

7. Law and Jurisdiction

Your use of this website and any downloaded material from it and the interpretation of this terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong") and you and we each submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

Group Registered Office and address: Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited. Headquarters, Unit 10-12, 2/F, Airport World Trade Centre, 1 Sky Plaza Road,Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong.  


1.  General

‍1.1  "Airside/LandsideLounge" means:

a)  Airside lounge is located in the restricted area.Departing passengers will need to pass through immigration and customs before proceeding to the Airside Lounge. They must obtain a boarding pass for their onward flight. The same is applicable to the transit passengers.

b)  Landside Lounge is located in the non-restricted area. Arriving passengers can proceed to theLandside Lounge after formalities in immigration, baggage reclaim and customs. Passengers who need to stay in the airport because of early hotel check-out, delayed flight, or other reasons can stay in the Landside Lounge before catching a flight.

1.2  "Lounge Facilities" means the provision of awaiting area in Airside/Landside area of the Airport with seating and refreshment facilities including (facilities in different locations may vary):

a)  Hot showers facilities including amenities;
b)  Food and beverages;
c)  Use of computers to access Internet;
d)  DVD / VCD movie viewing ( at selected locations only);
e)  Selection of local / International magazines and newspapers;
f)  Power and Internet connection for travellers' with laptop computers;
g)  Mobile / laptop battery recharging facilities;
h)  Telephone for local calls
i)  Flight Information

1.3  "Plaza Premium Lounge" means Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited. whose registered office is at Unit 10-12, 2/F, Airport World Trade Centre, 1 Sky Plaza Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong.

1.4  "Customer" means the person, firm or company booking the use of Lounge Facilities.

1.5  "Airport" means the airport from which the Customer is traveling.

1.6  "Charges" means the charges paid by the Customer to Plaza Premium Lounge in respect of Lounge Facilities in accordance with Plaza Premium Lounge's charging structure which may be amended by Plaza Premium Lounge from time to time.

1.7  The headings in these conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

1.8  Words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, references to any gender shall include the other reference to legal persons shall include natural persons and vice versa. ‍

2.  Formation of Contract

2.1  The Lounge Facilities are provided by Plaza PremiumLounge subject to these terms and conditions, which the Customer shall indicate and qualify acceptance of by booking the Lounge Facilities and paying the Charges.

2.2  No representative, employee or sales person or agent of Plaza Premium Lounge has Plaza Premium Lounge's authority to vary, amend or waive any of these conditions.

2.3  These terms and conditions will prevail over any terms or conditions proposed by the Customer orally or on any order form or similar document shall not be binding on Plaza Premium Lounge.

3.  Boarding Pass ‍

3.1  Transit passengers who wish to access the lounge must be in possession of a valid onward boarding pass. Please contact your airline if you require details about obtaining the boarding pass for your transit/connecting flight.

4.  Booking ‍

4.1  Full payment must be made at the time of booking.Booking is only considered as confirmed when payment has been received by us in full and booking confirmation email has been sent to the email address provided at the time of booking. It is your responsibility to provide a valid email address.

4.2  If a passenger fails to obtain an email confirmation from us, we will NOT be responsible for the availability of service upon passenger's arrival. Passenger without a Confirmation Letter (i.e. not a pre-paid booking) from us will be considered as a "Walk-in" customer. All services requested upon arrival are subject to availability. ‍

5.  Lounge Facilities ‍

5.1  All specifications, descriptions, drawings, photographs or illustrations of the Lounge Facilities and any advertising matter and sample books are only intended to serve as a guide and not to be relied upon by the Customer or treated as binding or as forming part of these conditions or any contract with the Customer.

5.2  Plaza Premium Lounge shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide the Lounge Facilities during the hours advertised for each Airport, but reserves the right to vary the hours of operation or close the lounge due to refurbishment, relocation or otherwise in which case an alternative executive lounge facility will be provided or a refund of the charges will be made at the discretion of Plaza Premium Lounge. In the unlikely event that entry to the Lounge Facilities is refused due to capacity constraints, the Customer will receive a complimentary voucher for their next visit to the lounge.

5.3  Plaza Premium Lounge shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure a suitable environment is maintained in the Lounge Facilities including but not limited to keeping the area where Lounge Facilities are provided clean and tidy, ensuring staff are on hand to respond to any queries and ensuring the removal from the lounge area of any persons whose behaviour is unsuitable.

5.4  Plaza Premium Lounge shall have the right to refuse a Customer entry to the Lounge Facilities for any Statutory, regulatory of Airport policy reasons including but not limited to health and safety policies or fire regulations.

5.5  In order to maintain Customer expectations, children are not permitted to use the Lounge Facilities in certain Lounges. Please check the individual Lounge information on this website for details. In the event that children are permitted access to the Lounge, they should be accompanied in all Lounges Facilities by a Customer over the age of eighteen years at all times. ‍

6.  Charges ‍

6.1  Charges payable for the Lounge Facilities shall be as stated in Plaza Premium Lounge's services menu (current at the date of booking). ‍

7.  Terms of Payment ‍

7.1  Customers shall make payment for the Lounge Facilities when booking by entering the details of their PayPal, or debit of credit card onto the online booking form, provided that such credit or debit card is listed as acceptable to Plaza Premium Lounge on the booking form instructions.

7.2  Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Customer shall not be entitled to any discount.

7.3 A transaction fee (“Fee”) could be imposed on your total transaction amount by the card issuing bank. You shall be solely liable to pay the Fee. We are not responsible for any liabilities arising from non-payment of Fee.

8.  Customer's Obligations

8.1  The Customer shall ensure that he is at all times appropriately dressed and shall behave in an appropriate manner. Plaza Premium Lounge and any third party lounge provider with whom Plaza Premium Lounge has entered into an arrangement for the provision of Lounge Facilities reserve the right at their sole and absolute discretion to refuse entry or to remove any customer whose behaviour or mode of dress is considered by Plaza Premium Lounge to be unsuitable or is likely to offend other Customers.

8.2  Customers must not remove food and/or drinks from the Lounge Facilities and will be asked to refrain from consuming food and/or drinks in the Lounge Facilities other that food and/or drinks provided in the Lounge Facilities.

8.3  The Customer agrees to adhere to any no smoking policies in operation in any of the Lounge Facilities.

8.4  Customers shall provide a minimum of 72 hours’ written notice to Plaza Premium Lounge in the event of cancellation of a group booking. A group booking is a booking of 10 or more persons or 5 or more rooms. No refund will be arranged for cancellation made within 72 hours prior to the reserved service date and time. All refund/changes made on a confirmed group booking are subject to a minimum of USD10 administration fee per person.

8.5  In the event of cancellation of bookings for Private Resting Area,Transit Hotel Room and/or Aerotel Room services, customers agree to provide a minimum of 24 hours' written notice to Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited.No refund will be arranged for cancellations made within 24 hours’ prior to the reserved service date and time. All refunds/changes made on a confirmed PrivateResting Area and/or Hotel Room booking are subject to a minimum administration fee of USD10 per person or 25% of the total booking amount, whichever is higher.

8.6  For all other bookings not covered in Clause 8.5, a cancellation fee of 10 USD per person will be charged for all bookings cancelled within 6 hours prior to the booking. No-show or last-minute cancellations with less than6 hours' notice will be non-refundable.

8.7  In the event of a customer wishing to amend an existing booking to a later date and/or at any Airport where Plaza PremiumLounge operates Lounge Facilities at a later date, provided that Plaza PremiumLounge receives from the Customer at least 24 hours prior written notice of a cancellation of a booking for Lounge Services from the Customer, Plaza Premium Lounge agrees to provide access to Lounge Facilities to the same number of users as on the original booking, at a later date at any Airport where Plaza Premium Lounge operates Lounge Facilities ("Alternative Lounge Facilities"), subject to prior receipt by Plaza Premium Lounge from the Customer of (i) confirmation of the date and/or Airport Lounge Facilities required; (ii) a payment of USD 10 per person per booking; and (iii) the difference between the Charges paid by the Customer in relation to the original booking and the charges in respect of the Alternative Lounge Facilities applicable as at the proposed date of use of such Alternative Lounge Facilities (whether theAlternative Lounge Facilities are located at the same Airport as on the original booking for Lounge Facilities or otherwise).‍

9.  Limitation on Liability ‍

9.1   Subject to clause 9.2, Plaza Premium Lounge shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect, special or consequential loss, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of contract, loss of revenue or loss of business, however arising whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or statutory duty or otherwise.

9.2   Plaza Premium Lounge does not exclude loss arising from death or personal injury caused by negligence.

9.3   Subject to clause 9.2 above, the aggregate liability of Plaza Premium Lounge, (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or breach of statutory duty or otherwise) to no circumstances shall exceed the Charges paid by the Customer for the Lounge Facilities.

9.4   Plaza Premium Lounge shall under no circumstances be liable for any Customer failing to board his flight and neither Plaza Premium Lounge nor any third party lounge provider with whom Plaza Premium Lounge has entered into an arrangement for the provision of Lounge Facilities has any obligation to make flight announcements.

9.5   Plaza Premium Lounge shall under no circumstances be liable or responsible for the personal belongings of any Customer, and a Customer shall take personal belongings into the Lounge Facilities area solely at his own risk.

9.6   All information, recommendations and advice given by or on behalf of Plaza Premium Lounge to the Customer regarding Airport services or flight details are given without liability on the part of Plaza Premium Lounge.

9.7   The Customer shall fully indemnify and compensate Plaza PremiumLounge, its employees, sub-contractors and agents in respect of all actions, suits, claims, demands, costs, charges or expenses arising (whether asserted by the Customer or third party) out of or in connection with the provision of the Lounge Facilities which:

a)  are in excess of Plaza Premium Lounge's liability set out in clause 9.3 above; and
b)  are caused directly or indirectly through the act or omission, wilful misconduct or negligence of the Customer.

10.  Force Majeure ‍

10.1  Plaza Premium Lounge shall not be liable to theCustomer for any loss or damage caused to or suffered by the Customer as a direct or indirect result of the provision of the Lounge Facilities by or on behalf of Plaza Premium Lounge being prevented, restricted, hindered or delayed by reason of any circumstances outside the control of Plaza Premium Lounge. ‍

11.  Waiver ‍

11.1  The right powers and remedies provided pursuant to these conditions are cumulative and do not exclude or affect any rights, powers or remedies provided by law. No delay in exercising, or non-exercising by Plaza Premium Lounge of any rights or remedies under these conditions shall operate as a waiver or lease of that right, power or remedy.

12.  Variation

12.1  No amendments or variation of these conditions shall be effective unless made in writing and signed or issued by Plaza Premium Lounge.

13.  Governing Law

13.1   These conditions shall be construed in accordance withHong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong") and Plaza Premium Lounge and the Customer hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. ‍



1.1 These are the terms and conditions (“T&C”) on which we, Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited, supply Services to you, under the name of ALLWAYS.

1.2 Please read these T&C carefully before you submit your Order to us. These T&C tell you who we are, how we will provide Services to you, how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem, and other important information.


2.1 When you submit an Order with us, the Order constitutes an offer by you to purchase Services in accordance with these T&C.

2.2 You acknowledge that our Services are subject to availability. We will endeavour to provide you with the Services, however, for whatever reason, if we are unable to accept your Order, we will inform you of this in writing and will not charge you for the Services.

2.3 Our acceptance of your Order will take place when we inform you by email that we are able to provide you with the Services, at which point and on which date a Contract shall come into existence between you and us.

2.4 Any quotation given by us shall not constitute an offer.

2.5 Any samples, drawings, descriptive matter or advertising issued by us or our Affiliates, and any descriptions or illustrations contained in our or our Affiliate(s)’ catalogues or brochures, are issued or published for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the Services described in them. They shall not form part of the Contract or have any contractual force.

2.6 This T&C apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms that you seek to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by law, trade custom, practice or course of dealing.

2.7 Information required in the Order.

2.7.1 We will need certain information from you so that we can provide the Services to you. For example, you will need to provide your name, contact details, flight details, passport information and other relevant information when submitting an Order. If you have not provided the information we marked as mandatory in the Order, we will contact you in writing to ask for such information. If you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with this information, we may reject your Order.

2.7.2 We may also require certain information from persons other than you so that we can provide the Services to you. For example, you will need to provide name(s) and contact detail(s) and other relevant information of your other guests and the person picking you up at the airport (if any). By providing such information, you represent and warrant that you have notified and obtained necessary consents from them to send us such information for the purposes of this T&C.

2.7.3 We shall not be liable for not providing any part of the Services, if the reason for our failure to provide our Services is any of the following:

You failed to give us the information we need within a reasonable time of us asking for it; or
The information you provide us with is not complete or accurate.


3.1 Unless terminated earlier in accordance with this T&C, we will supply our Services to you in all material respects for the time period set out in the Order, until we have completed the Services.  

3.2 We shall supply our Services within the following time period from the time we meet up with you (“Service Hours”):

Departure flights: 3 hours; or
Arrival flights: 2 hours; or
Transit flights: 4 hours; or
Any other timeframe as we notify you on an individual basis, depending on the individual service packages you purchase from us.
3.3 You acknowledge and agree that certain Services will, at our sole discretion, be provided to you by our subcontractor or third-party service provider.

3.4 You also acknowledge and agree to be bound by the restrictions/exceptions which are applicable on some of our Services, as set out in Appendix 1.

3.5 If we are providing porter services to you as part of the overall provision of our Services, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the specific terms and conditions which are applicable to our porter services, as set out in Appendix 2.


4.1 In consideration for our provision of the Services, you shall pay us fees and any applicable taxes in full upon submission of your Order, as stated in our acceptance to your Order (“Fees”).  

4.2 An Order must be made at least 48 hours prior to our scheduled meeting time. However, if an Order for you or your accompanying guest(s) is submitted to us less than 48 hours’ notice before our scheduled meeting time, you agree that we may, at our sole discretion, charge you additional Fees in accordance with this clause 4. We will notify you on such additional amount in our written acceptance to your Order.    

4.3 You acknowledge and agree that we may, in addition to the Fees which you have already paid, charge you:

a sum that is equivalent to 50% of the Fees which you have already paid, if our Service Hours are extended through no fault of our own (e.g. if you lost your baggage, if you encounter issues at immigration or at customs clearance);
a sum to be charged by us at our sole discretion for each additional guest of whom the Services are provided to and aged 2 years and above, if the actual number of guests exceeds the number of guests that appears in the Order. For the avoidance of doubt, we reserve the right on whether to provide the Services to such guests subject to availability,
and you shall pay such sums to us immediately on the date any of such events occurred.

4.4 All amounts due under the Contract shall be paid in full without any set-off, counterclaim, deduction or withholding. We will not provide the Services to you if we do not receive payment of such amounts in full from you within the prescribed timeline.


5.1 You may cancel or amend any confirmed Orders with us in writing, in accordance with this clause 5.

5.2 You may be entitled to full refund of the Fees paid by you if you provide us at least 48 hours’ written notice prior to our scheduled meeting time to cancel or amend your confirmed Order.

5.3 You will not be entitled to a refund of the Fees paid by you if:

you provide us with less than 48 hours’ written notice prior to our scheduled meeting time to cancel or amend your confirmed Order; or
your situation falls under clause 7 (e.g. no-shows); or
you have booked non-refundable Service(s).
5.4 If you would like to cancel or amend your confirmed Order, you shall pay us the following additional amounts as amendment fees:


6.1 Your privacy is very important to us, and we are committed to protecting your personal data. Your personal data will be collected, used, disclosed and otherwise processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please read our Privacy Policy before submitting an Order to us.


7.1 We shall not be liable for our failure to provide part or all of our Services, and will not provide you with any refund for our Services if any of the following events occurs:

For arrivals guest service: if, due to no fault of our own, you do not respond to our welcome placard after all of the passengers within the same flight have disembarked;
For departures guest service: if you fail to appear at the meeting point as agreed between us 30 mins after our scheduled meeting time.
If our performance of the Services is affected by an event outside our control, then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay.


8.1 Notwithstanding any limitation or exclusions of liability as stated in this T&C, we do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you in the event of the following:

Liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence (or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors);
Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
Deliberate or wilful act of misconduct; or
Any other liabilities which cannot be limited or excluded under applicable law.
8.2 Subject to clause 8.1:

we shall not have any liability to you for any indirect or consequential loss not in the contemplation of the Parties arising under or in connection with this T&C; and
our total liability in aggregate to you arising under or in connection with this T&C shall not exceed the Fees paid by you in respect of the Services.


9.1 You shall defend, continually indemnify, and hold us, our Affiliates and the respective directors, officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, third-party service providers harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, actions, liabilities, losses, damages, judgments or fines, or damage to any property (including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs and expert fees reasonably incurred), unless such is caused by our negligent act, wilful misconduct or omission.


10.1 You may terminate your Contract with us immediately, if any of the following events occur:

You would like to cancel your Order and terminate your Contract with us for convenience (subject to any applicable refunds in accordance with this T&C); or
In the event we notify you that there will be a substantial delay in the performance of our Services (and we will pay you a refund for any Services you have paid for but not received).
10.2 Without prejudice to any of our other rights as stated elsewhere in this T&C, we may terminate part or all of your Contract immediately as and when we deem necessary and expedient.


11.1 Subject to us posting a notice of the change of the relevant terms and conditions on our website, we may at any time transfer or assign our rights and duties under this T&C to any third party we deem fit. Once assigned, your relationship would be with our assignee and not with us.  


12.1 This T&C shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  

12.2 In the event of any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to this T&C, including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-contractual obligations arising out of or relating to it, the Parties shall first attempt to resolve and settle the matter by mutual consultation in good faith. If such matter may not be resolved, it shall be referred to and finally resolved by the courts of Hong Kong.


13.1 Unless otherwise defined in the T&C, capitalized terms have the following meanings:

“Affiliate” means (a) in relation to a company, any subsidiary of that company, any holding company of that company, any other subsidiary of any such holding company and any company over which that company or any such holding company has Control; and (b) in relation to an individual, any company over which that individual has Control and any subsidiary of that company, any holding company of that company, any other subsidiary of any such holding company and any company over which that company or any such holding company has Control at the date of this T&C;

"Business Day" means any day excluding Saturdays, Sundays or public or bank holidays in the Territory;

“Contract” means the contract between you and us for the supply of Services in accordance with this T&C by us to you;

"Control" of a person means the power or authority, whether exercised or not, to direct the business, management and policies of such person, directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise, which power or authority shall conclusively be presumed to exist upon possession of beneficial ownership or power to direct the vote of more than 30% of the votes entitled to be cast at meetings of the members or shareholders of such person or power to control the composition of a majority of the board of directors of such person; the terms “Controlling” and “Controlled” shall be construed accordingly;

“Order” means your order for the Services as set out in an order form on our website at www.allwayvip.com;

"Service Hours" shall have the meaning as ascribed to it in clause 3.2 above;

"Services" means the services supplied by us to you as set out in our acceptance to your Order; and

“Territory” means the jurisdiction in which we provide the Services to you.

13.2 In this T&C, terms defined in the singular have the corresponding plural meaning when used in the plural and vice versa.

13.3 In this T&C, the word “including” (or “include” or “includes”) means “including without limitation” and will not be considered to set forth an exhaustive list.

13.4 No approval, consent, acceptance, determination, or decision will be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed, unless the T&C provides that the same is subject to the discretion of a Party, in which case it is subject to the sole and absolute discretion of that Party.

13.5 Whenever this T&C require or provide for any notice, approval, consent, acceptance, determination, decision, waiver, information, or the like, the same and any request therefor must be in writing (unless otherwise waived in writing by the other Party).

13.6 Unless specified otherwise, a reference in this T&C to a law, including any applicable law, is considered to be a reference to (a) such law as it may be amended, modified, or supplemented from time to time, (b) all regulations and rules pertaining to or promulgated pursuant to such law, (c) the successor to the law resulting from recodification or similar reorganizing of laws, and (d) all future laws pertaining to the same or similar subject matter.


We respect the privacy of our guests and every aspect of our business and are committed to protecting your personal information. Personal information is only collected, used and disclosed by Plaza Premium Lounge Limited in accordance with our privacy policy.

For the details of our privacy policy, please refer to the Data Privacy Statement & Security Policy Statement. Please click here for details of the Terms and Conditions available on our website. We have highlighted the following for your attention:

‍1.  Consent

You signify your consent to us collecting and using this information by your use of this website. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy. The new version of the privacy policy will be posted on this website and will take effect and govern immediately upon posting, so that you are always kept informed of how we collect and use the information, and when we would disclose it. Your continued use of this website constitutes your agreement to the changes in the policy.

Your data controller is: Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited.

‍2.  Use ‍

We use the personal information that we collect to identify your personal preferences and match your needs with the relevant products and services, and assist in processing any bookings that you make through this site.

We will hold your information, where collected by us, and may use it to inform you in the future of offers by us and other Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited Group companies a full list of which is available on request. We will also use the personal information you give us as a research tool to monitor how you and other visitors use the site to enable us to further develop the content of this website.

Whenever you submit enquiries or booking to us, it will require your personal data which will then be recorded, collated and processed by us.

‍3.  How to withdraw your consent

If you would rather we do not use your personal data for the purposes stated above or for any form of promotional contact, please indicate by using the tick box in your email registration page. Please bear in mind that you will be opting out of receiving any information from us and any Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited Group companies. However, if you have booked lounge services you will still receive an email confirming your booking details.

If you do not wish to receive any further emails from Plaza Premium Lounge Management Limited, you can do so any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link which can be found in all our newsletters.

‍4.  How do we protect your information?

When you provide us with your credit card details or order services from us, we offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software encrypts the information that you input before it is transmitted to us.

We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information you provide will be kept secure from unauthorized access.

In order to comply the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, your personal data will continue to be kept confidential and will not be transferred to a third party except for other companies within Plaza Premium Group, operation units or service provides that may be located outside of customer’s own country for the purpose mentioned in the privacy policy. We will continue to keep your personal data and use it for the purposes for which the personal data was collected.

Our security measures depend on you complying with this obligation and we are not responsible for any breach of your privacy. We are not responsible for breaches of security arising out of intentional and/or unauthorized attempts to access the site, for example, by computer hackers.


‍Service Provider shall not be liable for and shall be excluded from any liability, loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the site or reliance on any information provided on the site or arising from the use of Service Provider’s services unless it is caused by the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Service Provider.

Appendix 1 – Restrictions/Exceptions on some of our Services

1 Toronto Pearson International Airport - No expedite service is permitted by Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA).

2 John F. Kennedy International Airport - There is no Priority Lane at U.S. Customs. We are under the jurisdiction of United States of America once inside their premises.  You must abide the rules and regulations of John F. Kennedy International Airport and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. We shall under no circumstances be liable or responsible for your actions or documentation if you are in violation of rules and regulations. Carrying prohibited items may cause delays to your travel; please refer to Official website of the Department of Homeland Security for the prohibited items list.

3 We are not a licensed wheelchair service provider, and therefore we shall not provide any wheelchair services to you. Please contact your airline directly if you require any wheelchair services.

4 Unaccompanied Minors’ Policy

4.1 Dallas Fort-Worth: Guests aged 17 or under must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or above.

4.2 All other locations: Guests aged 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or above.

Appendix 2 – Specific Terms for Porter Services‍

1 For porter service, maximum dimensions of baggage shall be 90 x 75 x 43 cm each, weighing not more than 23kg each and up to a combined weight of 40kg.

2 For USA, size 35.5" x 29.5" x 16"; weight- 70 lbs. Due to health and safety regulations we may not accept an item that weighs more than 70lbs.

3 Oversized and/ or overweight baggage will be subject to payment of surcharge, plus any applicable local fees and / or taxes.

4 The following applies in relation to baggage:

4.1 The baggage (including animal carriers) dimensions and weight restrictions provided by us are the maximum allowance that can be accepted by us. We do not guarantee or confirm that such baggage dimensions and/or weight restrictions will be accepted by different airlines. It is your responsibility to ensure your baggage complies with the relevant airline's applicable size and weight restrictions. Please contact your airline for their requirements to avoid any inconvenience during your travels;

4.2 We will not be responsible for, or have any liability in respect of, any articles being removed from your baggage by airport security personnel or any other relevant parties, and/or any operating airline's refusal to carry your baggage for any reason whatsoever;

4.3 We will do our best to ensure we handle your baggage with care, however, we are not responsible for and/or liable for any direct and/or indirect damage or loss of your baggage arising out of or in connection with your use of our Services hereunder.